B2B Order Form

by Keith D Commiskey

Welcome to the B2B Order Form - A simple auto-calculating order form, primarily suited for resellers! This form will allow you to enter your customer order data, and submit it via an auto-generated e-mail. Resellers can run their own copy, or vendors can supply a generalized version of the form for its resellers. Product data is fed to the form via an easily created pipe-delimited text file (just export from Excel or your database). Once the file is saved/exported, if a custom delimiter wasn't allowed, simply do a "search and replace," replacing your delimiter with a pipe '|'.

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B2B Order Form

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B2B Order Form
Auto-Calculating Business-to-Business Order Form

An example of the B2B Order Form

Visit the B2B-Order-Form SourceForge.Net Page

DEMO ... in demo mode, you can view the form's functionality (e-mail is disabled).

b2b.php - customization and executable file
b2b_text.txt - Pipe-delimited text file

b2b.php is the only file that requires customization.
b2b_text.txt is to be created or populated with four columns of data (item #|item cost|shipping cost|item name).


This PHP program is intended to be a simplified order form. Having only two files, it is simple to install and setup. Just put both files in a folder (preferably either secure or obscure), modify the b2b.php file, and load the b2b.php file in your browser.

Please note that, in its simplicity, it does not accomodate all vendor types of transactions, such as using weights, or shipping costs based on totals, as opposed to individual items.

KDC SYSTEMS by Keith D Commiskey
KDC-Info Main Page
Form-a-Form - Quick and Simple Form Creator for PHP
Database Record Selector and Editor - DB-RSE is a MySQL record selector and editor
B2B Order Form - A simple auto-calculating order form, primarily suited for resellers!.
Guess-a-Number Game - For web developers: Add a guessing game on your site to attract visitors by giving away prizes.
Pick-a-Meal - A Random Meal/Restaurant Selector
Simple Site Catalog - A powerful yet simple and affordable online web store building system
Shopping Cart Catalog Multi-Product Editor - Integrated with Mals-E Free Shopping Cart

Keith D Commiskey (c)2007
Resume - Web Development, Database Development, 3D Graphics and Computer Animation

Keith D Commiskey (c)2007 | http://kdcinfo.com | http://giftsforyou.biz | DB-RSE